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Written by Raphael Hansen
Updated over 4 years ago

In this article:

  • What is Grow

  • The Grow feed and viewing your content

  • Creating a note

  • Creating and tracking a goal

  • Progress Board

  • Recording a win

  • Sharing notes

  • Exporting notes

What is Grow?

Grow is a dedicated section where you can record private notes, create and track goals and keep tabs on your wins. Put simply, everything you need to have a better conversation with your manager. You can find Grow at the top of the global nav bar on web and in the middle of the nav bar on your mobile.

On web

On mobile

Adding a short bio

At the top of Grow you have the opportunity to add a bit more about you. It's totally optional but helps others to understand who you are and your role in the team, division or company, along with the stuff you're interested in. Just click edit to head to your profile where you can add in some content.

The Grow feed and viewing your content

In Grow you have a similar feed to what you find on your home screen. It's one place to keep all of the relevant content to you; from your wins, goals, shoutouts received and more. You can use the filters on the right hand side of the feed to select what you want to see.

Everything is private to you unless you have chosen to share it with your manager or another team member. That bit is completely up to you.

You also have the ability to view specific content using the different views which you can access at the top of the page or on the top of your mobile app by swiping.

Creating a note

Creating content all starts from the + button on your left nav bar or the hovering + on your mobile. Simply click / tap it and choose 'My notes'. From here you can choose a number of things to do. Let's start with 'Create a note'. Notes are great for jotting down your thoughts; from the things you want to raise with your manager at your next 1:1 that you don't want to forget right through to talking points on your career and more. If you're a manager, you also get a specific note type you can use with your team. All notes are automatically set to be private by default but you can choose to share them if you like (read on to learn more).

Creating and tracking a goal

Goals are a great way for you to stay accountable to yourself and your team. There will always be things you want to achieve in your role, whether that be a specific work task or something more broadly relating to your own personal growth. Whatever it is, start by clicking the + button and choosing 'goal'.

You can give it a title, a short description, then choose a due date. If it's relevant, you can also add a company value or specific KPI that might be related. Goals are automatically added to your Progress Board which allows you to visually track how you're getting on.

Progress Board

Your progress board is a simple, visual way to stay up to date with where things are up to. Whether it's something you want to track yourself or share with another, use it as a great way to start a conversation around where something is up to. Drag and drop items as you progress them. You can do it on web or your mobile.

The stage "Blocked" in the progress board reflects when a goal or task can't be moved through to complete and is stuck with no next steps. Goals and tasks that sit on the blocked stage should be addressed by managers to brainstorm next steps to get it to the complete stage.

Recording a win

Wins are a great way to stay on top of your achievements. The reality is that we all get busy, so if you then come to a review or formal meeting you have to sit down and remember what you've done. With the win feature you can track things as you go, like if you've just nailed your quarterly sales quota or finished a big project. It means you have one place to keep everything you've done so you can then bring it up when it's needed.

Sharing notes

While creating any type of note is set to private as default, you may choose to share with others, especially if you aren't in the same office or haven't had a chance to catch up that week. Sharing will make it visible to the other person only, including the note appearing on the recipient's Progress Board. When you create a note, choose the 'share them' button to bring up your options. You can also assign it if it's task-based. As soon as you click share it is open to the other person and will no longer be private.

Exporting your content

If you have a meeting coming up and you want to export your content, simply visit the relevant page (wins, shoutouts or notes) and press the 'Export' toggle. You can then select the bits you want and export it to a CSV ready for printing.

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